
We conduct top-level psychological and educational research in Munich - also thanks to our unique collaborations, joint projects and infrastructure.

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Department of Psychology

The Department of Psychology at Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München ranks among the foremost psychological research institutions in Germany. Our collective mission is to enhance the understanding and explanation of human behavior and perception. Our research encompasses a broad spectrum, bridging basic and applied studies, as well as examining psychological phenomena at both micro levels (e.g., neuronal processes) and macro levels (e.g., intergroup dynamics).

With our state-of-the-art laboratories and exceptional infrastructure, we conduct cutting-edge psychological research in Munich. This commitment is reflected not only in our research rankings but also in the numerous national and international networks we lead or actively participate in, underscoring our prominent research position. We address complex questions such as: How can we accurately predict mental illness? What mechanisms underpin brain function? How can we optimize teaching and learning processes? In what ways does personality evolve throughout a person's life? How can we conduct rigorous and reliable research in psychology?

We firmly believe that openness and transparency are essential components of quality research. In Munich, we are dedicated to upholding these principles and continually striving to advance them.

Department of Educational Sciences and Rehabilitation

At the Department of Educational Sciences and Rehabilitation, we investigate fundamental questions related to (special) education, educational research, and rehabilitation. Our research focuses on pedagogical practice and contributes to the development and design of teaching and learning in heterogeneous contexts.

Our Research Departments:

  • Department of Pedagogy, Educational Sciences, and Socialization Research
  • Department of School and Teaching Research
  • Department of Prevention, Inclusion, and Rehabilitation Research

We invite you to explore our research projects and findings as we work together to enhance educational processes throughout the lifespan.

Students during a counseling session

LMU Mentoring

Promoting the potential for scientific excellence in the post-doctoral phase

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Bookshelves in the Philologicum

"Knowledge - the only good that increases when it is shared." - Marie von Ebner-Eschenbach